How Cubbo Powers Their Fast Delivery with Kosmo’s Route Optimization Platform

June 26, 2024
Case studies
JJ Velaz
Founder & CEO
How Cubbo Powers Their Fast Delivery with Kosmo’s Route Optimization Platform

Amazon has redefined the delivery landscape with their fast and efficient service, setting a high bar for direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands.

In Mexico, Cubbo is leveling the playing field, offering DTC brands the ability to provide an Amazon-like delivery experience. Launched in early 2021, Cubbo operates multiple warehouses in key cities across the country, handling inventory, packaging, and delivery so e-commerce brands can focus on sales.

Initially, Cubbo relied on third-party carriers for last-mile delivery. However, as their business expanded, they recognized the need to control every aspect of their supply chain. This led to the creation of an internal fleet of drivers in Mexico City.

After validating this new approach, Cubbo decided to invest further. They experimented with various route optimization and last-mile delivery platforms, but none met their specific needs. To compete with Amazon and Mercado Libre, Cubbo needed a solution that offered fast, efficient delivery without being overly manual or rigid.

During their search, Ignasi Vegas, co-founder and CTO of Cubbo, connected with Kosmo’s founder. Within two weeks of trial and proof of concept, Cubbo swiftly implemented Kosmo. “The API is well-documented, and it took us just two days to integrate our orders into Kosmo’s system,” says Ignasi Vegas.

Cubbo leverages Kosmo for:

Creating Daily Optimized Routes for Up to 100 Packages per Route

Kosmo allows users to define detailed route settings, including volumetric weight and driver-level constraints. With a single click, routes are optimized within seconds, improving driver efficiency by 17%.

Sending Routes to Drivers and Monitoring Alerts/Issues

Kosmo’s mobile app, available on both iOS and Android, provides drivers with their routes, navigation, proof of delivery, and chat functionalities with dispatchers. Driver locations are tracked and displayed on the dispatcher dashboard, which includes a map and table view, highlighting alerts or issues at specific stops


Kosmo offers delivery analytics at both the order and driver levels, enabling Cubbo to monitor the performance of their routes and drivers in real-time.

What's next?

“Kosmo has streamlined our delivery operations with their easy-to-use yet powerful platform. Our operations team reports a 23% increase in dispatcher productivity,” notes Marco, Cubbo’s Head of Logistics.

“One of our proudest achievements is how we onboarded Cubbo. They started with a list of 11 feature improvements, and we committed to specific timelines for each. Within two months, everything was built and implemented,” says JJ Velaz, founder of Kosmo.

Looking ahead, Cubbo plans to expand its delivery operations to countries such as Brazil. With Kosmo’s support, Cubbo can scale their business, automating last-mile delivery to handle more orders efficiently.

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